00047: Books and more Books!

28 Days of the 30-day Minimalism Game

28th Day, twenty-eight items

Books! Books! And more books coming out of my office. There are three full containers, and the one at the bottom with the white lid is bigger than the two with dark lids. I counted the books and there are 257 of them inside those bins. One is full of general subject (mostly literature written by white authors.) One is full of Spanish language books (the one on top) and one is full of Chicanx/Latinx literature books (the one in front). These are only half the books I kept in my office. The content of two full bookshelves have already been taken away. (I forgot to take pictures of them). And I still have one full bookshelves filled with books, which are still needed to continue my teachings.

In the garage I also have three extra-large containers that have been stored in the since 2014. Yes, believe it or not I love books and I have read most of them since my younger days, which is good, but I also kept every single book, which is bad. In my home office I still have a whole box with new books from the last two years. I have not read those books but I’m preparing a plan on how I can get those books file, read, and donate once I finish them.

It makes me happy very happy to know that I love reading and I love books. I think every professor loves books. It also makes me happy to comprehend that I don’t need to keep the books I read. I can donate them to organizations or give them away to people who might want them. This brings joy and value to my life. I’m smiling.

I have two days left of this 30-day Minimalism Game, and I don’t know if I’m going to finish cleaning my home office. But I have tried incredibly hard to accomplish the task. One thing I know is that whether I complete the task in two days or not, there is the great satisfaction act I have completed the 30-day game/challenge, and that in itself its an accomplishment. I also know that if I don’t finish decluttering the office, nothing stops me from continuing doing it, so I will not stop until I’m completely done. In January I had a vision and I want to make that vision and intention come a reality. I don’t have to but I want to, and that in itself, it’s an accomplishment. #carlosmanuelspeaksthetruth.

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