00059: Twenty-Five Days!

25th Day of the 30-Day 2.0 Minimalism Challenge/Game

25 Days, twenty-five items

I must say that this challenge is becoming a habit. I mean, nowadays I find myself looking at stuff and I automatically pick it up with the desire to “get rid of” it. I ask myself, “Does this item add value to my life?” And if it doesn’t, I ask a second question, “Can I get rid of it without causing troubles in paradise (meaning the husband)? And if the answer is also yes, the item gets thrown out or boxed to be given away. Either way, the process is becoming a habit and one I’m enjoying very much.

I cannot believe I’m not on day 25 of my second-time-around challenge. I do like the feeling that I can get rid of unnecessary things who only keep taking space and are not being used at all because of whatever reason. At the same time, I’m learning so much about myself by looking at the things I have kept and the reasons why I have kept such things. Decluttering is, in fact, a good thing. #carlosmanuelspeaksthetruth.

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