And so it came to past, after a pandemic, several setbacks, challenges, injuries, and personal matters that Moderna Suspiros finally made it to the stage.  The show only had two showings but there were beautiful, fun, exciting, and filled with …


That’s right! After a six-month absence, the director and I are reuniting to make sure the production of INTRODUCING MODERNA SUSPIROS: A Fable Based on True Event… We Think takes place. Yes, it has been a long way coming and lots of …

00042: WE’RE BAAAAACK! Read more »

Wear heels they said! You will look good in heels they said! It’s easy they said! And yes, it is fun to wear heels, but if you are a person who isn’t used to wearing heels and suddenly you have …

00041: INJURIES!!! Read more »

We had a costume fitting just a couple of weeks ago. The the fitting also included shoes, of course. It has taken me a while to post about this matter because the fitting, although exciting, was also a little bit …

00040: SHOES! COSTUMES! AND MAKEUP! OH MY! Read more »

I have not written in a long time. I take that back. I have written… a lot. But I have not written for this blog. My last blog entry was April 11; I’m just one day shy of a month …

00063: Always Writing Read more »

Today I woke up feeling good. And then, suddenly, I just started crying. I know I’m happy but there are moments when I simply start to cry out of the blues. I have been dealing with a lot since October …

00059: Melancholy Read more »

Last night my husband and I watched a new film from Taiwan, Your Name Engraved Herein. The film is about two high school students falling in love. The themes explored in the film, as well as the message, triggered memories …

00055: HEARTBROKEN Read more »

I got my heart broken when I was a kid. I was in elementary school maybe in third of fourth grade. I don’t know; I don’t remember. My older sister had a best friend who used to come over the …

00040: First Crush? Read more »

20 Days, twenty items I imagine I’m a very wealthy man. My husband and I don’t wear jewels at all but we do have plenty of them for reasons we don’t really think about it. We’re rich, why does it …

00036: The “Jewels” of the family Read more »

I’m four years behind this post. And if you want to know why, I ask you to read the entry titled, “000 29: Intentions,” where I explained what happened regarding this event. So, what I’m recalling now is from memory …

00032: International Dublin Gay Festival Read more »